
How to create the perfect designs for your branded napkins

It’s easy to overlook just how important branded napkins can be. Although they might be looked upon as just an unassuming essential, the fact that they are so often used makes them a useful tool to reinforce your brand identity (after all, they’re going to be grabbed and seen by pretty much everyone eating or drinking) and take your guest experience up a notch. 

Here are a few tips to create the perfect design for your own printed paper napkins, whether you’re handing them out with a burger and fries or offering them alongside messy treats such as ice creams and monster milkshakes. 

  1. Consider the occasion 

You may find that you need a couple of branded napkin designs so that you have an appropriate napkin for a variety of occasions. If you run a busy restaurant, you will want a smart yet functional design for everyday use which displays your logo and contact information. 

But, if you also cater special events such as weddings or black tie balls, you may want a more elegant version for those bookings– perhaps with a smaller, more discrete logo placement, or a different colourway to ensure that you create the desired ambiance and sense of occasion for those bookings.

  1. Add interesting details and unusual elements

Just because a napkin is a catering and hospitality staple, that doesn’t mean that it should be merely functional. Think beyond plain and boring and let your creativity take flight! 

You can add visual interest to your branded paper napkins by opting for patterns, motifs, and decals. Fun slogans or quirky quotes can also elevate a blank napkin into something that much more memorable and reinforce your brand personality with every bite. 

A burger chain for example could play up its Americana angle with famous movie quotes, while a pizza brand could have a map of Italy or feature illustrations of favourite toppings.

  1. Consider different styles and shapes 

There’s no rule that says napkins must be small squares. Consider different shapes and sizes to bring in additional functionality. If you serve dishes which could be considered messy (such as lobster or spaghetti) our bib-shaped napkins are fun and functional. If you need to provide cutlery, using a napkin to wrap a disposable, wooden knife and fork set is both practical and hygienic – plus it makes setting up quicker and easier and is a space saver back of house. 

Tags: napkins, printed napkins, branding tips,