
How to Create Customised Bags for Dark & Ghost Kitchens

With no physical storefront, cooking for delivery only, dark or ghost kitchens face a significant challenge in establishing brand recognition. Without a visible location or traditional dine-in area, they rely heavily on their digital presence through food delivery apps or websites - and let’s face it, those are very crowded spaces where it’s incredibly difficult to stand out. 

This absence of a tangible space makes it harder for customers to form a direct connection with the brand or remember the experience beyond the delivered food itself. This is where personalised packaging plays a crucial role: customised bags and other forms of food packaging can act as a mobile representation of the brand when done well. 

Dark kitchens investing in custom carrier bags or personalised packaging bags for their deliveries are essentially transforming what is an essential food delivery tool into a mobile billboard. It’s a win-win: the food items can be transported with ease, but they promote the brand during that journey and again once they arrive at their final destination and the bag is handed over to the customer.

We know a thing or two about customised bags here at PackGenie and we’d even go as far as to say that custom carrier bags tailored for these unique kitchen setups is something of a marketing game-changer.

Designing Personalised Paper for Brand Representation

Because dark or ghost kitchens don’t have physical storefronts with branding that a customer can become familiar with, the unboxing experience becomes a crucial touchpoint. Customised bags serve as a canvas for brand representation and can reinforce key marketing messages that may otherwise be communicated at the takeout counter, till or by advertising posters in a customer-facing space. 

Utilising personalised paper with distinctive branding elements, logos, or taglines communicates professionalism and leaves a lasting impression. It also helps to add a tangible presence to a business that is otherwise a ‘ghost’. This makes it easier to nurture both brand recognition and brand loyalty in what’s a highly fluid and competitive market.

our expertise in express printing makes it quick and easy to design and print custom carrier bags that encapsulate your dark kitchen’s food identity. In short, we’ll help you to ensure every delivery is an opportunity to reinforce your brand name and style of food. Of course, quality is also important: no one wants customers to associate their brand with defective, leaky packaging!

Tailoring Bags for Practicality and Brand Identity

Customised bags can’t just be aesthetically pleasing. They also need to be functional.  They serve as practical tools for efficient and secure food delivery. Choosing the right material, size, and design elements contributes to both brand identity and the customer’s convenience. Our selection includes sturdy paper and eco-friendly alternatives, ensuring that these bags not only reflect brand values but also align with sustainability goals.

Additionally, incorporating features like handles or resealable closures enhances usability and functionality. These are small details but they could be just the additional touch that sets your brand apart in the competitive dark kitchen landscape. As an extension of the brand experience, these bags reinforce a positive brand image and can become a talking point among customers, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Tags: Customised Bags, Custom Carrier Bags, Personalised Paper, Dark Kitchens, Ghost Kitchens, Express Printing, Brand Identity, Customer Experience